Ayurveda should be modern and understandable for everyone, no matter what background you have! Nevertheless, there are some terms that are used over and over again in Ayurveda. Browse this alphabetical list if you want to look up some traditional Sanskrit terms!

Abhyangaoil massage
Agnidigestive fire, metabolic principle, flame of life
Agnimandyareducing the digestive fire
AharaFood, food intake, dish
Ahara-RasaDigesta, the first refined nutrient liquid during digestion
AkashaSpace, one of the five elements
AmaDigestive toxins, literally “Undigested”, uncooked, raw
Ama vishaghnaEliminating Ama toxines
AmapachanaBurning Ama, plants which strengthen the digestion of Ama
Anu TailaMedicated sesame oil for application in the nose (Nasya-therapy)
AnulomanaConductive, laxative
AnupanaTransport medium, vehicle substance for drugs
ArishtaFermented medicinal products from decoction of medicinal plants, ayurvedic medicinal wine, Sanskrit name for Azadirachta indica
AsanaLiterally “the seat”, body position in Yoga
AsavaFermented medicinal products from extracts of medicinal plants, ayurvedic medicinal wine
AsthiBones, cartilage, supporting tissue, fifth Dhatu (structure principle)
Atharva-Veda“Knowledge storehouse of atharvāṇas, the procedures for everyday life”. The last of the four Veda skriptures
AtmaThe self, soul
Aushadha (Aushadhi)Medicine
AvalehaSweet paste from medicinal plants
AyurvedaSystem of traditional medicine with historical roots in Indian
BalaStrength, power, vitality, name of Sida cordifolia
BalyaToning, strengthening, tonicum
BhasmaAyurvedic preparation made out of metals and/or minerals
BhutagniMetabolic principle for splitting food into the five elements (Mahabhutas)
Brimhananourish, strengthen, nourishing therapie
Brimhaniyanourish, strengthen, Nutritiv
BuddhiIntellect, distinctive power
DeshaPlace, habitat
Dhatubody tissue, structure principle
Dhatuagni“Body tissue fire”, Metabolic principle for promotion, reduction and transformation of tissues
DhritiInformation processing, memory capability
Doshabasic ayurvedic regulation principle in mind and body and in the external nature
Dosha Pachanaburns, digests excessive Doshas
Dravya GunaProperty of substances, the study of the properties and effects of medicinal substances, especially of medicinal plants
Ghee (Hindi)clarified butter
Ghritaclarified butter
GrahiRetaining liquid, constipating
GugguluPreparations containing as main ingredient the resin of Commiphora Mukul
Hemantafirst phase of winter
Himacold infusion
HridyogaHeart disease
JalaWater (element)
Kalkamedicinal paste
KaphaOne of the ayurvedic regulation Principles (Doshas) of mind, body and external nature
Karmaaction, movement, therapy, result of action
KatiLower back
KeshyaGood for hair growth
Krimipathogenic germs, parasites, worms
KsharaAshes of plants
Lauhairon-containing preparation
LepaMedical Pack
MaharishiGreat seer
MajjaBone marrow, spinal cord, brain matter, sixth ayurvedic structure principle, body tissue
MalaWaste product, excretion
MamsaMuscle tissue, third structural principle (Dhatu)
ManasSpirit, soul, mind, thought, psyche, intention, desire, will, mood, mindset
Mandagniweak digestive fire
MedaAdipose tissue, fourth Ayurvedic structure principle
MedhyaIncreases intelligence, wisdom; improves mental performance, brain tonic, plants to improve brain performance
NadiChannel, vessel, meridian, energy path, pulse, blood vessel; to sound
NasyaTherapy over the nasal mucous membranes
Ojassubtle fluid, the finest essence of food, the subtlest quality of Kapha, the foundation of immunity, health, inner happiness and well-being
Pachanadigestive, digestive plants
PhantaTea, warm infusion
Pichulinen cloth, medical expression for locally used linen bag filled with a medicinal herb sud
Pittaone of the three ayurvedic principles of regulation (doshas) of body, mind and external nature
Pittaharareduces, balances imbalances of Pitta
Prabhavapharmacological special effect of a substance or drug
Prakritinature, the constitution of human
PramehaGroup of 20 diseases with increased urinary excretion and pathological urine composition, often used as a term for diabetes mellitus
PranaLife breath, nerve energy, one of the subdoshas of vata
PritviEarth (element)
Rajasone of the three “spiritual” qualities, which characterise the behaviour, character trait and emotionality of man, but is also contained as an activity in plants
Rajasone of the three “spiritual” qualities, which characterise the behaviour, character trait and emotionality of man, but is also contained as an activity in plants
RasaTaste, juice, nourishing, plasma, lymph, first structural principle (Dhatu)
Rasa Shastraliterally “the science of mercury”, Textbook of Ayurvedic Alchemy
Ritu-Charyahealthy lifestyle and behavior adapted to the seasons
Samabalanced, healthy
Samagnibalanced digestive fire
Shamanacalming, balancing
Shirobastimedicinal oil bath on the top of the head
Shishiradeclining winter, (cold) early spring
SmirtiRecalling information, memory
Snehanaoiling, oil treatment
snigdhaoily, moist
Somain the ninth mandala of the Rik Veda mentioned juice of a “Soma” plant conferring youth and health; also “immortality potion of the gods”
SrotasChannels, transport systems, in particular channels of microcirculation
ShukraGerm cell tissue, semen, seventh structural principle (Dhatu), bright, pure, clear, white, juice, soma
Sutrathread; vers, aphoristic rule
Svasthyabe based in the self, health
SvedanaCooking, heating, sweat therapy, heat application, increases persperation
Tamasdull, dark, sluggish; one of the three “spiritual” Gunas; dullness, darkness, inertia
Tarpakasubdosha of Kapha, primarily responsible for nourishing the central nervous system and sensory organs
Tikshnasharp, cutting, intense
Tikshnagnisharp Agni, hyperfunction of the digestive fire
Tridoshathe three Doshas
UdanaUp moving; one of the subdoshas of Vata
Ushnaheating, hot
VaidyaThe ayurvedic doctor
VamanaTherapeutic vomiting; emetic
Vataone of the three ayurvedic regulatory principles for mind and body (Doshas)
Vayuwind, air element
Vedaknowledge, pure knowledge, science
VipakaTaste after digestion
Viryapotency; one of the Ayurvedic characteristics of medicinal substances
Yoga“unity”; India’s traditional philosophical teaching system for physical and mental health and spiritual development
Yogavahieffect supporting; Substances that increase the effect of a drug